Thursday, April 30, 2009

You made it! Pull up a seat

At the risk of a fair amount of ridicule from a bunch of you I’ve decided to start a blog - Welcome to it.

I’m not really sure why I’ve decided to do this. The whole socializing on the internet thing has never been a big thing with me so it makes even less sense. 

At first I thought it’d be a great way to sort of vicariously “keep in touch” with all the people I seem to find so little time to keep in touch with. But then that just seemed kinda lazy on my part so I abandoned that idea. (Besides, “keeping in touch with people you’re too lazy to talk to”, Facebook’s already got that market covered don’t they?)

I come across things fairly frequently that I think people should probably know about. Maybe you’ll like ‘em, maybe you won’t. This way it’s all up to you. You wanna check it out, you can. You don’t. Fine. No email forwards and articles about things you could care less about zipping in and out of your blackberry; you’re busy people – who am I to interrupt the flow?


With this,there’s no pressure to respond to something you didn’t feel like reading in the first place - you don’t even have to click delete about that semi-not-crappy book I sent you the link to. Stop by when you want, comment when you can. The onus (word alert) is on you. Me: onusless.

My writing clearly needs practice - this’ll be a good place for that. These are interesting times - this’ll be a good way to document them. I’ve got a feeling this whole connectivity fad isn’t going anywhere and while I’m certainly not getting in on the ground floor (or even the rooftop deck) of anything - I’m still getting in. 

I can’t promise anything good, smart or even funny and I haven’t the slightest idea what my intentions are, but I’m still gonna give it a go. We’ll see.